August 22, 2024

The Shift from Traditional to Digital: My Journey and Insights

Today's article features insights from Tonya Scholz, the president of the Association for Women in Communications South Florida Chapter."

Discovering the Power of Digital Transformation

Ever had that moment where you look back and realize just how far you’ve come? For me, it was when I first became president of the South Florida Chapter of the Association for Women in Communications (AWC). I had no idea this journey would take me to where I am now.

I joined AWC in 2008, not expecting to take on any big roles. I was just a Vietnamese refugee who wanted to be part of something special. When I became president in 2018, I inherited a role that included the website and a ton of responsibilities. That’s when I really dove into the world of digital media.

Diving into the Digital Deep End

The world was changing, and so was AWC. Back in 2008, we saw a lot of reporters getting laid off, and suddenly, the focus was shifting towards digital platforms. I wasn’t about to let that stop us. Instead of sticking to the old-school methods, we jumped head first into digital. We started teaching our members about social media ,press releases, and more.

You might wonder, why such a big shift? For me, it’s all about empowering and educating women. That’s always been my goal. So, when we got to GoBrunch, I knew it was time for something fresh and innovative.

Building a Community and Creating Value

At AWC South Florida, our aim has always been to create value without charging a dime. We’ve never made money from our efforts. Everything we do is about giving back, whether it’s through press releases or media connections. It’s all about the community and the impact we can make.

GoBrunch was a game-changer. It allowed us to create a new kind of environment, one where we focus on giving value rather than just rushing around. For me, time is more precious than money. I want to empower a small community where everyone can support each other.

Bringing People Together Virtually

One of the exciting things about GoBrunch is the ability to merge different digital elements.

Picture this: you combine the feel of Twitter Spaces or Clubhouse with the visual aspect of Zoom, and then add a dash of the metaverse. That’s GoBrunch in a nutshell. It’s about creating experiences where people can connect and interact in meaningful ways.

I’m all about creating experiences that go beyond just scrolling through a news feed. For instance, imagine a coffee shop where you can touch a virtual hotspot and see details about their offerings. It’s not just about the tech; it’s about making people feel something.

Exploring New Possibilities

During the pandemic, I watched how Alibaba used live streaming to sell products. I tried to get my clients onboard with this approach, but it was a tough sell. Now, everyone’s eager to live stream, but it’s about thinking outside the box.

Imagine having a virtual space where you can interact with products or even attend events without the usual flat-screen limitations. That’s the future I’m working towards. GoBrunch is perfect for this—it’s like a virtual hybrid party that brings people together in a fun, engaging way.

Making Crowdfunding Work for You

Crowdfunding is another area where I’ve been deeply involved. It’s not just about raising money; it’s about storytelling and engaging with your audience. I’ve helped people crowd fund everything from roofs to weddings. The key is to create a compelling story and connect with your supporters.

One thing I’ve learned is that traditional crowdfunding platforms can be restrictive. They take a significant cut, and their policies can be unpredictable. That’s why I’m excited about new options that give creators more control and better returns.

Tips for a Successful Digital Experience

Here are some tips if you’re venturing into the digital space:

1.  Create a Clear Itinerary: Whether it’s for an event or a virtual experience, having a plan helps keep things organized and engaging.

2.  Use Hotspots Wisely: Hotspots can make your content interactive. For example, in a virtual store, a hotspot can show product details and allow purchases.

3.  Leverage AI Tools: AI and machine learning can enhance your digital experiences. For instance, using tools for image enhancement can make a big difference in presentation.
4. Experiment and Adapt: Don’t be afraid to try new things. Whether it’s live streaming or creating interactive content, the digital world is full of opportunities.

5. Focus on Community: Building and nurturing a community is crucial. It’s not just about technology; it’s about creating meaningful connections.

Wrapping It Up

Looking back, it’s amazing to see how far we’ve come from those early days. The shift from traditional methods to digital platforms has been a wild ride, but it’s one that’s worth taking. It’s all about staying adaptable, being creative, and most importantly, connecting with people in new and exciting ways.

So, whether you’re looking to create a virtual event, dive into crowdfunding, or simply explore new digital possibilities, remember that it’s all about the journey and the connections you make along the way. Here’s to more innovation, more community building, and more exciting digital adventures!

About the Contributor: Tonya Scholz, president of the Association for Women in Communications South Florida .Connect on LinkedIn and Facebook.

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Angela Silva

Marketing and Social Media

The Shift from Traditional to Digital: My Journey and Insights

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