August 22, 2024

How I Turned a Flop into a Win: Lessons from the Pandemic and GoBrunch

Today's article is by Peggy McCartha, a Certified Professional Photographer who shares her expertise and experiences with passion.

A Little Backstory

So, I’ve got a story for you. It’s about how a big, shiny idea of mine crashed and burned, only to rise again in a completely unexpected way. Picture this: I'm in the midst of lockdown, with a global pandemic wreaking havoc everywhere. I’ve just poured my heart into creating this super comprehensive business program for photographers. We're talking about everything from branding and networking to the psychology of photography.

I was convinced I’d struck gold. I thought, “This is it! I’m going to revolutionize the photography industry single-handedly!” Launch day came, and...crickets. I didn’t sell a single copy. It was like throwing a grand party and no one showed up. I’ve still got the metaphorical scars from that face-plant.

The Harsh Reality

Let me be honest. Seeing something you’ve worked so hard on flop is disheartening. It made me realize that a lot of creative folks, photographers especially, don’t always grasp the business side of things. It’s not uncommon for someone to have a fantastic product or idea but struggle to turn it into something that actually resonates with people.

I did some soul-searching and found out that many online courses don’t get past the five percent completion rate. It’s frustrating because I genuinely wanted to help, not just to make a quick buck. I saw the same pattern in my own life. I bought an expensive course months ago and haven’t touched it. So, I get it. Having a course doesn’t mean people will use it.

Finding a New Path

So, what did I do? I switched gears and focused on building a community instead. I started on a tech platform, but guess what? It was another flop. I couldn’t get people to engage or participate. But then, serendipity struck. I stumbled upon GoBrunch while searching for a Zoom alternative. Little did I know, GoBrunch was going to be a game changer. When I first used GoBrunch, I hosted a workshop. I was blown away by the level of engagement. People stayed long after the event, and I even had a few sticking around for over five hours! That was a huge turning point. I realized that GoBrunch wasn’t just a replacement for Zoom; it was something far more impactful.

Building a Community That Works

I do have a paid program, but I offer a two-week free trial. I want people to see the value before they commit. If someone can’t afford it but is contributing to the community, I’m flexible. My goal isn’t just to make money; it’s to make a real impact. I’m not driven solely by profit because I’m fortunate enough to have a successful photography business and a supportive spouse.

Since then, I’ve been dedicated to using GoBrunch to create a thriving community. I’m active on LinkedIn and TikTok, but LinkedIn is where I really focus on connecting with other photographers and creative professionals. I host an open house every month where we celebrate wins from the previous month. It’s all about sharing successes, no matter how small.

Keeping People Engaged

Getting people to show up is one thing, but keeping them engaged is another challenge. I host “Get Stuff Done” sessions every other week, where people come together to work on their projects. It’s not just a workshop; it’s about applying what you learn right there. We also have monthly workshops with guest experts and provide co-working spaces and editing rooms.

I’ve created a space where people feel safe and included. It’s important for me to ensure that everyone feels comfortable asking questions and seeking help without judgment. No matter their level of experience, everyone deserves a supportive environment.

The Power of Support and Accountability

Two key factors make GoBrunch successful: support and accountability. People appreciate knowing that they can ask questions and get help anytime. And there’s something about having a community that keeps you accountable. It’s like having a personal cheerleader who nudges you to stay on track.

Looking Ahead

I’m also working on a fun project—a riddle room for a nonprofit that works with teenagers. They wanted to engage teens in a way that’s more interactive and less about watching boring videos. So, we’ returning it into an escape room where solving puzzles involves interacting with educational content. The possibilities with GoBrunch are endless, and that’s what makes it so exciting.

Hacks and Tips

If you’re using GoBrunch or considering it, here are a couple of my favorite tips:

1.  Widgets: I use a widget from Fouita to track stats and manage events. It’s a lifesaver for keeping everything organized.

2.  ChatGPT: I use it to help format content or figure out tech stuff. It’s a handy tool for making things run smoothly.

I keep my community small enough that I can personally manage who’s paying and who’s not. For those interested in membership, there’s an embedded sign-up page
where they can join.

Final Thoughts

So, if you’re thinking about starting something new or revamping what you already have, remember this: sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. It’s about finding new ways to connect and engage with your audience. Whether it’s through a community platform like GoBrunch or another method, the key is to stay flexible and open to new ideas.

Thanks for sticking with me through this journey. If you’ve got questions or want to share your own experiences, feel free to reach out. Here’s to making an impact, one step at a time.

About the Contributor: Peggy McCartha, Certified Professional Photographer. Connect on LinkedIn and visit website.

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How I Turned a Flop into a Win: Lessons from the Pandemic and GoBrunch

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