August 22, 2024

From a Small Show to a Thriving Community: My Journey with the Breakthrough Show Network

Today's article features insights from Jessica S. Dugas, an inspirational entertainer known for her engaging storytelling and passion for connecting with others.

How a Little Show Turned into a Network

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re just about ready to give up, only to find exactly what you needed at the last minute? That’s what happened to me with the Break through Show Network. Let me take you back to where it all began.

It started with a simple show. I had this idea, just a tiny spark, and it quickly grew into a network. But, I always dreamed of having a community to go along with it. I tried so many platforms over the years, each one falling short. It felt like I was spinning my wheels, almost ready to throw in the towel. And then, out of now here, I discovered GoBrunch. It was like the universe finally decided to throw me a bone. This platform was exactly what we needed, right when we needed it. I can’t express enough how grateful I am for this software. It’s taken us to a whole new level.

Discovering Community Through Gifts and Connection

Today, I want to dive into the word "community" and what it means to each of us. I’ve asked everyone to find a gift that captures their feeling about the word "community." If you type "community" into the search, you might end up with some funny stuff from the show Community, but that’s okay. Share a few words about how the word makes you feel if you can’t find the right gift. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Being here today, sponsored by GoBrunch, is truly an honor. This platform embodies connection and innovation in such a real way. I’m Jessica Dugas – a wife, home schooling mom of six kids(yes, six!), a mentor, a Reiki master, and the creator of the Break through Show Network and its community.

Personal Stories and Community Impact

Let’s talk about storytelling. It’s at the heart of our connections within communities. Storytelling transcends boundaries and opens doors to understanding and empathy. I experienced this first hand when I shared my story in the best-selling compilation book Shine. I wrote about losing my little brother to melanoma when he was just 24. It was a tough journey, but sharing that story helped me heal, and it helped others who were struggling with their own losses.

You might be thinking,“ Jessica, that’s a big leap from personal storytelling to changing the world.” But hear me out. Think about a moment in your life that was so powerful it changed you forever. Raise your hand if you’ve had a breakthrough moment like that. I see you, Cat, Richard, Grimm, Britney, Marissa. We call these moments “breakthroughs” in our community.

Building the Breakthrough Show Network

After the release of Shine and seeing the impact of storytelling, I wondered, “What if I could create a bigger space for this? A place where people could share their stories, heal, and grow together?” That’s how the Breakthrough Show Network came to be.

We’ve set out on a mission to inspire, motivate, and uplift through stories of resilience and hope. Our focus is on creating a space where community truly matters. With GoBrunch, we’ve found a platform that allows us to connect more deeply. We’re not just broadcasting; we’re interacting, sharing, and building real relationships.

A Nostalgic Journey from Past to Future

I’m a nostalgic person. A couple of weeks ago, I even got to hug James Van Der Beek – yes, from Dawson’s Creek! As a child of the '80s and a teen in the '90s, I remember watching talk shows and setting up stages in my grandparents’ basement with friends. Those were my early days of imagining myself as the next Sally Jesse Raphael or Oprah Winfrey.

Talk shows and broadcasts have changed a lot since then. But imagine if we could shift from just sharing information to really nurturing our communities with our time, energy, and gifts. What if we moved beyond mere broadcasts to creating spaces that truly support and connect with each other?

Engaging with Our Community

How do you plan your questions when engaging with your community? Is it something you improvise, or do you have a set plan? For me, it’s a bit of both. I look at guest bios but mostly create a space for them to share their story. The best questions often come spontaneously as I listen and engage with the conversation.

Using GoBrunch for a Creative Space

When it comes to hosting events, I’ve found GoBrunch to be a game-changer. We’ve used other platforms in the past, but nothing compares to how GoBrunch integrates everything we need. It’s user-friendly, visually appealing, and allows us to move between rooms and events seamlessly.

I’ve had many positive experiences with this platform. It’s made connecting with my community and organizing events so much easier. Plus, I love the visual appeal – it makes the experience so much more enjoyable.

A Personal Touch in a Digital World

Losing a dear friend recently made me realize how much we need meaningful connections. We can’t always predict what life will throw at us, and I wish we had a space like this to feel closer to loved ones, even if we’re physically apart.

GoBrunch has created a beautiful, engaging space that makes it feel like we’re together, even when we’re not. It’s a step toward making our virtual interactions feel more real and connected.

Wrapping Up

Thank you for letting me share my journey and my excitement about what we’re building with the Breakthrough Show Network. Your presence and participation mean the world to me. I’m excited to continue growing this community together and exploring the endless possibilities of what we can achieve.

Let’s keep this conversation going. Share your thoughts, ask your questions, and let’s continue to build something truly special.

About the Contributor: Jessica S. Dugas is an inspirational entertainer. Connect with her on Facebook.

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Angela Silva

Marketing and Social Media

From a Small Show to a Thriving Community: My Journey with the Breakthrough Show Network

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