August 22, 2024

Exploring the Virtual Office: A Personal Dive into GoBrunch

Today's article features Jaziel Corona Aguilar, a Research Analyst at We stat with a knack for diving deep into data and sharing valuable insights.

A New Era of Virtual Offices

Ever stumbled upon a tool that completely transforms how you work? That happened to me with GoBrunch. I was neck-deep in a project, exploring new ways to make our virtual meetings more engaging, and boy, did I find something that hit the mark!

Let me take you back a few months. I was helping Jayo setup a virtual office for his department. Honestly, I had my doubts at first. Could this new platform really change the way we work? But as we got into it, I started to see the real power of GoBrunch.

GoBrunch isn't just another tool—it's like a whole new world for virtual workspaces. Think of it as a digital village where everything you need is at your fingertips. Whether you're grabbing a coffee or setting up a meeting, it’s all right there.

The Birth of Texas Ace's Virtual Office

How It All Started

Let’s talk about how Texas Ace got into the GoBrunch game. We were tired of our old setup.

Our meetings felt flat, and our old platform just wasn’t cutting it. Sean Petty, our director, started looking for alternatives and stumbled across GoBrunch.

Testing the Waters

In November 2023, we gave it awhirl. Honestly, we didn’t dive deep into every feature right away. We just started exploring and testing. And you know what? It worked like a charm. Kudos to Richard from GoBrunch for being such a solid support throughout the process. It’s rare to find someone so dedicated and helpful.

Setting Up the Virtual Space

By late January this year, we had our technical support staff fully on board with GoBrunch. We created a virtual office space where our team could assist after-school and summer school leaders across Texas. We even set up weekly office hours for two hours each Thursday.

Here’s what it looks like: Picture a tiny virtual village. That’s our GoBrunch community. There’s a helpdesk, one-on-one meeting rooms, and even an Ace Lounge. It’s like having a little town where you can drop by for help or just hang out. From interactive features to complete customization, it’s all about creating a workspace that feels right for your team

The Power of Customization

One of my favorite features? The customization. We’ve got an Ace Lounge where anyone can chill, listen to music, or just chat. It’s a perfect spot for informal conversations. And get this, everything was set up using AI. AI’s taking over, but in a good way. It’s amazing how it helps us create these virtual spaces.

Engaging with the Community

Our help desk hours are a hit. We leave the virtual door open, allowing anyone to drop by and ask questions. Sometimes, it’s just about listening in on other people’s questions. It’s surprising how much you can learn just by being present.

Camera On or Off?

Do people turn on their cameras? Absolutely! I’ve had meetings where folks were exploring every feature, checking out the different camera options, and just being genuinely curious.

Real Interactions and Customization

What’s even cooler is the interactive nature of GoBrunch. You can move around, choose different spaces, and even personalize your office. One of my teammates went for a full-on Texan cowboy theme. My office? It’s got pictures of my dog lounging on a couch and some family photos. It’s like creating a little piece of home in the virtual world.

Wrapping It Up

So, what’s the takeaway? GoBrunch has changed the way we work. It’s not just about having a virtual space; it’s about making that space work for you. From interactive features to complete customization, it’s all about creating a workspace that feels right for your team.

If you haven’t tried GoBrunch yet, I’d say give it a shot. It might just be the change you didn’t know you needed.

About the Contributor: Jaziel Corona Aguilar, Research Analyst. Connect on LinkedIn.

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Exploring the Virtual Office: A Personal Dive into GoBrunch

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